Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Big, wonderful and a little bit scary news!

One thing I have learned over the last few years is that the best things that have happened to me have been unplanned or haven't gone according to MY plan.  First off take my husband.  When I met him I didn't even want to think about being in a serious relationship, especially with him and fast forward to a year later we are engaged, a year after that married and 2 years after that parents to a beautiful baby girl.  Then there's that beautiful peanut of ours.  I had a plan of when I would get pregnant and exactly how everything would go.  Well my plan didn't necessarily work exactly the way I thought it would but the end result was the best thing that's ever happened in my life.  So case in point is the stuff that I try and plan out hasn't been working the way I want, it's working out way better than I ever imagined. 
About a week or two after Kate was born I started to realize that there was no way I would be able to go back to work. Erick and I needed to talk.  Erick had from the start of my pregnancy told me he would like for me to stay home.  He is more of the dreamer and I am more of the realistic one.  I told him we couldn't afford it and I loved my job so I would stay home for 3 months and then go back.  We originally said that between Erick and his mom they would watch Kate while I was at work. Well that plan was great in our heads but in reality it wouldn't quite work out.  Erick and I sat down and took a look at our finances and realized that it was possible for me to stay home.  It would take some budgeting and some small sacrifices but we could make it work! So I thought about it, we prayed about it, we talked to other parents about it and I finally came to realize that I was not going back to work in January.  All of the moms I talked to either 1 were so happy they stayed home with their babies when they were little or 2 wish they had been able to stay home with them.  I am blessed to be in a situation where I have the opportunity to stay home and I would be crazy not to take it.
This is something I thought I would never be. I only pictured stay at home moms to be those moms who drop their kids off in their luxury cars wearing either their gym clothes, with full make up and hair perfectly in place, or wearing only the cutest designer clothes and accessories. As much as sometimes I wish I was, I am not one of those ladies hence why I thought I wouldn't be able to stay home.  
So long story short I went into work yesterday to meet with my boss and tell her.  I was very nervous and anxious to tell her due to the fact that I only worked the first month of school.  If we would have decided I would stay home earlier then I wouldn't have come back to start this year.  I didn't want her to think that I had it already planned and was waiting till the last second to tell her.  Well turns out I was silly to be so nervous.  I walked into her office, sat down next to her, she held Kate and said "You don't even have to tell me, I know"  I started to tell her how I was sorry and felt bad and she said "I've been in your same exact position and I totally understand your decision.  I'm sad for us but I'm happy for you."  Holy awesome, supportive and understanding boss!
So there you have it!  I quit my job and now get to stay at home and take care of my precious peanut!  I told Erick that instead of saying "I quit" it's more like a career change :-)  My students don't know yet so if you are reading this and know my students please don't say anything.  I am going to come in after Christmas break and tell them once they have a replacement set. 
That's the big, wonderful and a little bit scary news :-)
P.S.- If you're a stay at home mom and have any tips on being a mom, saving money or anything else useful, I'd love to hear them! 


  1. Kelly I am so happy for you!! As a teacher you know the importants of being involved in your chids life. I think it is great thing! God is good and all things happen for a reason. That is my dream one day is to be a stay at home mom...let me know how it goes!!! Congratulations!!!! :)


  2. Kelly, I just think you are so great!!! My eyes watered a little bit as I read your post because I just imagined you holding sweet Kate and smiling from ear to ear! I am so happy that you have peace and made a great decision! I am eager to come by and visit again soon - thanks for sharing your journey :)
