Friday, February 22, 2013

4 Months

I forgot to post this last month but here is her 4 month info :-)
Weight: 14.5 pounds!

Height:  24 inches

Clothing size: She fits into some of her 3 month clothes but is mostly wearing 3-6 months and some 6 months.   

Diaper size: 2

Feeding: She has gotten into a good schedule with eating.  She eats every 3 hours and then gets a bottle of pumped milk before bed.

Sleep: She had a bit of the dreaded "4 month sleep regression" for a week or so where she was waking up ever 1-2hrs.  For the most part she sleeps from 10 or 10:30 till 5 or 6. 

Milestones: According to this chart Kate is doing the emerging skills. She loves to play with her feet and hands.  She is always grabbing things and everything goes in her mouth!  

Loves: Her newest love is Baker our dog!  She is obsessed with him!  She will sit there and watch him all day if he would let her.  

Dislikes: Hmmm, sometimes she really doesn't like falling asleep. She will fight it forever!  Once she gets over tired she will scream until she falls asleep :-(

Adventures: We went to Atlanta to visit my brother and sister in law and their kids.  She did great in the car and had a blast playing with her cousins. 

Mommy and Daddy could not get through the month without: The activity bar for her car seat.  It was a life saver for our 8 hour drive.