Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Big, wonderful and a little bit scary news!

One thing I have learned over the last few years is that the best things that have happened to me have been unplanned or haven't gone according to MY plan.  First off take my husband.  When I met him I didn't even want to think about being in a serious relationship, especially with him and fast forward to a year later we are engaged, a year after that married and 2 years after that parents to a beautiful baby girl.  Then there's that beautiful peanut of ours.  I had a plan of when I would get pregnant and exactly how everything would go.  Well my plan didn't necessarily work exactly the way I thought it would but the end result was the best thing that's ever happened in my life.  So case in point is the stuff that I try and plan out hasn't been working the way I want, it's working out way better than I ever imagined. 
About a week or two after Kate was born I started to realize that there was no way I would be able to go back to work. Erick and I needed to talk.  Erick had from the start of my pregnancy told me he would like for me to stay home.  He is more of the dreamer and I am more of the realistic one.  I told him we couldn't afford it and I loved my job so I would stay home for 3 months and then go back.  We originally said that between Erick and his mom they would watch Kate while I was at work. Well that plan was great in our heads but in reality it wouldn't quite work out.  Erick and I sat down and took a look at our finances and realized that it was possible for me to stay home.  It would take some budgeting and some small sacrifices but we could make it work! So I thought about it, we prayed about it, we talked to other parents about it and I finally came to realize that I was not going back to work in January.  All of the moms I talked to either 1 were so happy they stayed home with their babies when they were little or 2 wish they had been able to stay home with them.  I am blessed to be in a situation where I have the opportunity to stay home and I would be crazy not to take it.
This is something I thought I would never be. I only pictured stay at home moms to be those moms who drop their kids off in their luxury cars wearing either their gym clothes, with full make up and hair perfectly in place, or wearing only the cutest designer clothes and accessories. As much as sometimes I wish I was, I am not one of those ladies hence why I thought I wouldn't be able to stay home.  
So long story short I went into work yesterday to meet with my boss and tell her.  I was very nervous and anxious to tell her due to the fact that I only worked the first month of school.  If we would have decided I would stay home earlier then I wouldn't have come back to start this year.  I didn't want her to think that I had it already planned and was waiting till the last second to tell her.  Well turns out I was silly to be so nervous.  I walked into her office, sat down next to her, she held Kate and said "You don't even have to tell me, I know"  I started to tell her how I was sorry and felt bad and she said "I've been in your same exact position and I totally understand your decision.  I'm sad for us but I'm happy for you."  Holy awesome, supportive and understanding boss!
So there you have it!  I quit my job and now get to stay at home and take care of my precious peanut!  I told Erick that instead of saying "I quit" it's more like a career change :-)  My students don't know yet so if you are reading this and know my students please don't say anything.  I am going to come in after Christmas break and tell them once they have a replacement set. 
That's the big, wonderful and a little bit scary news :-)
P.S.- If you're a stay at home mom and have any tips on being a mom, saving money or anything else useful, I'd love to hear them! 

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

2 months!

2 Months!

Weight: 11 lbs 6.5 ozs (my chunky monkey!)

Height:  23in

Clothing size: Most of the clothes she's wearing are 0-3 months and 3 months.  She has a few newborn outfits that she's still wearing but for the most part she's grown out of them. 

Diaper size: 1

Feeding: Lately she has been eating every 3hrs or so.  I haven't been keeping great track of how often she eats and more just feeding her whenever she acts hungry.  She sure loves to eat! 

Sleep: We have recently started a bedtime routine that seems to be working pretty well so far (fingers crossed).  I've been giving her a bath around 8, then change her in her PJ's, read a story and feed her.  Lately she has been eating around 9:30 and falling asleep between 10 and 11am and sleeping until 4 or 5am!!! She will eat when she wakes up and then sleep again from 6ish- 9 or 10.  I'm nervous to even write this thinking I might jinx it!  But sleep is wonderful right now.

Milestones: According to this chart Kate is doing all the advanced skills.  

Loves: Still loves to eat, take baths and go for walks.  I've learned she really loves sleeping on her tummy.  I know, I know you're supposed to put them to sleep on their backs but I watch her and check on her while she's sleeping.  She loves her play mat and the mobile on her swing.  She will lay there smiling and giggling at her reflection, it's so cute! 

Dislikes: Hmmm, she doesn't like being hungry.  She didn't like her shots today, either did I :-(.  She doesn't really like to be held where she can't see what's going on. 

Adventures: We did the Turkey Trot this Thanksgiving, she slept through it all.  She had a family overload for Thanksgiving!  We had the whole family over and she was definitely a pass around baby. 

Mommy and Daddy could not get through the month without: This month is totally opposite from last month.  This month we can't live without the pack n play bassinet!  She has been sleeping so good in it lately.  Also I couldn't live without the swing!  I can put her in it during the day for a little while so I can get some stuff done around the house.
Holy moly! Look at the difference in one month!  I'm LOVING the leg rolls!!!  I can just eat her up!
Kate's first FSU vs UF game... Too bad it was an awful outcome :-(
Thanksgiving family picture.  We are so thankful for our peanut!

Thursday, November 15, 2012

1 Month

I can't believe she is one month old already! Time really does fly!
Weight: 8lbs 10 oz
Height: 21.5 in

                                          Clothing size: Newborn. 
Diaper size: Newborn

Feeding: She eats about every 2-3 hrs.  Sometimes in the evenings she will eat every 1-1.5 hrs. Not sure how much she is eating because I'm only breast feeding, but she's growing so I know she's getting enough.
Sleep: There were 3 nights in a row where she slept 5 hrs, 6hrs and then 6.5 hrs!  But that has passed and she's consistently sleeping 3-4 hrs at a time.  She usually goes to sleep around midnight and will sleep to 10 or 11, waking up twice to eat.

Milestones: She has hit all the normal milestones for her age according to the dr.  She is holding her head up (she was holding it up like 2 weeks after she was born), following objects, locking eyes and I can't remember what else but she's doing them all :-) She is smiling now when we talk to her! I can't get enough of her smiles! (see the pictures at the bottom)

Loves: Walks in the stroller, loves looking around and being outside, eating and baths.

Dislikes: She doesn't like her arms to be tucked in the blanket when swaddling and doesn't like to be changed when she's hungry.

Adventures: Oh boy she has been all over the place. My brothers came in town with their families and Kate, my sister in law, niece and I went to the mall for her first outing. Had her first road trip to Orlando to visit her great grandmother and see some of her cousins.

Mommy and Daddy could not get through the month without: The rock N play cradle.  She did not like sleeping in the pack N play bassinet but loves sleeping in the cradle.  

I wanted to get a picture of her sitting up as well as laying down and she wasn't too happy about it

Love, love, love her morning smiles!!!