I can't believe she is one month old already! Time really does fly!
Weight: 8lbs 10 oz
Height: 21.5 in
Clothing size: Newborn.
Diaper size: Newborn
Feeding: She eats about every 2-3 hrs. Sometimes in the evenings she will eat every 1-1.5 hrs. Not sure how much she is eating because I'm only breast feeding, but she's growing so I know she's getting enough.
Sleep: There were 3 nights in a row where she slept 5 hrs, 6hrs and then 6.5 hrs! But that has passed and she's consistently sleeping 3-4 hrs at a time. She usually goes to sleep around midnight and will sleep to 10 or 11, waking up twice to eat.
Milestones: She has hit all the normal milestones for her age according to the dr. She is holding her head up (she was holding it up like 2 weeks after she was born), following objects, locking eyes and I can't remember what else but she's doing them all :-) She is smiling now when we talk to her! I can't get enough of her smiles! (see the pictures at the bottom)
Loves: Walks in the stroller, loves looking around and being outside, eating and baths.
Dislikes: She doesn't like her arms to be tucked in the blanket when swaddling and doesn't like to be changed when she's hungry.
Adventures: Oh boy she has been all over the place. My brothers came in town with their families and Kate, my sister in law, niece and I went to the mall for her first outing. Had her first road trip to Orlando to visit her great grandmother and see some of her cousins.
Mommy and Daddy could not get through the month
without: The rock N play cradle. She did not like sleeping in the pack N play bassinet but loves sleeping in the cradle.

I wanted to get a picture of her sitting up as well as laying down and she wasn't too happy about it

Love, love, love her morning smiles!!!
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