34 Weeks!
Sorry, it's a week late but better late than never right? This week was awesome. Erick and I celebrated our 2 year wedding anniversary with a weekend at the Resort and Spa where we had our wedding reception. It was sweet and very nostalgic to go back there. We enjoyed a couples massage and pedicures, both of which felt soooo good considering my back is killing me and I can't paint my own toes :-)
How far along? 34 weeks
Total weight gain: +21!!! Ah!!! I gained 6 lbs between my last 2 appointments (that's only a 2 week time frame). I started a mini freak out when I stepped on the scale and saw the numbers. During my appointment the midwife said I gained a little more than they want to see for the timeframe but that I've caught up now with my measurments (I guess I was measuring small before). After I got over the shock of the numbers on the scale I realized that I'm healthy and baby is healthy so no need to worry over it and I need to walk more and eat less ice cream lol.
Maternity clothes? Since I've been back to work (school instead of summer camp) I've been able to wear the cute work maternity clothes I've gotten.
Stretch marks? none yet and I hope to never get them!
Sleep: Sleep is a strange thing... I've figured out if I stay up later than normal I can usually sleep through the night. Some nights I sleep great, other nights I'm lucky if I get 4hrs of sleep.
Best moment this week: Our anniversary celebration weekend getaway.
Miss Anything? being able to lay on my back or stomach, shave my legs comfortably, sit down/ stand up without grunting lol.
Movement: oh yes everyday. It seems like the only time she isn't moving is when someone has their hand on my belly waiting for her to move.
Food cravings: Ice ice baby... ice water, ice cubes and cereal
Anything making you queasy or sick: smelly stuff
Gender: BABY GIRL!!!!
Labor Signs: No labor signs but braxton hicks contractions for sure.
Symptoms: I feel like all the energy has been sucked out of me! This stinks. I feel useless when I get home from work because I have no energy at all. I'm sure it will only get worse when the students start back on Monday.
Belly Button in or out? starting to poke out
Wedding rings on or off? on
Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy and getting super super super excited to meet my baby!
Looking forward to: Next appointment so I can hear her heartbeat :-) Also seeing the rest of our maternity pictures! Our awesome photographer posted a sneak peak of one on facebook, it's so awesome I can't wait to see the rest.
Here are a few pictures from our anniversary and the maternity picture.
Here are a few pictures from our anniversary and the maternity picture.
Anniversary dinner (No, I didn't drink the bubbly)
The beautiful view from our room
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Look at that beautiful sunset! Angela and Brian are awesome! Check out their website http://www.lovinglegacyphotography.com/ |
I seriously hope I look as good as you when(if) I ever get preggo. You have side abs! You guys look so happy. I can't wait to meet the little princess :)