Saturday, December 22, 2012

3 months!

Peanut is 3 months today!!!

Weight: 13 pounds!

Height: 23in
 Since we haven't been to the Dr.'s to have an official weight and height, I did it and I'm not sure how accurate they are lol.

Clothing size: 0-3 months and 3 months.   

Diaper size: 1

Feeding: Lately she has been eating every 3hrs or so. I haven't been keeping great track of how often she eats and more just feeding her whenever she acts hungry. She sure loves to eat! At night she will cluster feed and eat every hour until she falls asleep.

Sleep: She hit a big milestone last night!!! She slept 8hrs straight!  Hopefully this becomes a regualr thing but I have learned that whenever I think she is on a schedule she likes to show me otherwise.  We shall see :-)

Milestones: According to this chart Kate is doing all the advanced skills.

Loves: Still loves to eat, take baths and go for walks. She loves being out and around people!  I have been wearing her in the sling and she loves it.  Hopefully she will be outgoing and social like her daddy :-)

Dislikes: Hmmm, sometimes she really doesn't like falling asleep.  She will fight it forever!  She also doesn't like it when you sit down while holding her.  She likes to be up and moving around.

Adventures: We went to 2 parks to look at Christmas lights, she LOVED them! She just sat there, in the sling, staring at the lights.  I took her to work for the holiday party and she got to meet all my kids.  I guess I should say my old job and former students :-/ 

Mommy and Daddy could not get through the month without: This month it's the sling.  It's perfect to use when I just have to run into a store, rather than getting the stroller out or lugging around her car seat.

Monday, December 3, 2012

New smoothie obsession

I love love love green smoothies!  By green I mean fruit smoothies with spinach in them.  While I was pregnant I would have one each morning with frozen banana, frozen mixed fruit, OJ, water and spinach.  Those are very delicious and nutritious but I have found a new one that I LOVE LOVE LOVE even more!  I found the recipe on Pinterest, surprise surprise.  Here is the original blog.
It taste like a peanut butter milkshake!  Here is what you need-
 1/2 c. Vanilla Greek yogurt
1 c. Vanilla Almond Milk
1 frozen banana
1 tbsp Peanut Butter
4 c. Spinach
Here is what it looks like step by step-
Step 1- Take one frozen banana and break it into a few pieces (peel them before you freeze them).  I usually buy a bunch of bananas and once they start to look a little over ripe I freeze them before they get mushy. 
Next add the yogurt.  I have been using these cups, they are about 1/2 cup and work out wonderfully.
Next- Peanut butter and Almond milk.
The recipe says 1 tbsp but I just use a heaping spoonful. Add one cup of the almond milk.  There are other brands but this is the one I picked up and it's really tasty.
Next- Add spinach.  The original recipe says 4 cups but I just add about two big handfuls
Once you have all your ingredients blend them together.  On my blender I use three different buttons- mix, puree and liquefy. 
Ta-da!  You have a delicious frothy and smooth, not to mention healthy protein packed smoothie!  I usually drink this as a late morning or afternoon snack.  I made it one night for dessert even. 
Please let me know if you have any other smoothie recipes that I should try :-)

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Big, wonderful and a little bit scary news!

One thing I have learned over the last few years is that the best things that have happened to me have been unplanned or haven't gone according to MY plan.  First off take my husband.  When I met him I didn't even want to think about being in a serious relationship, especially with him and fast forward to a year later we are engaged, a year after that married and 2 years after that parents to a beautiful baby girl.  Then there's that beautiful peanut of ours.  I had a plan of when I would get pregnant and exactly how everything would go.  Well my plan didn't necessarily work exactly the way I thought it would but the end result was the best thing that's ever happened in my life.  So case in point is the stuff that I try and plan out hasn't been working the way I want, it's working out way better than I ever imagined. 
About a week or two after Kate was born I started to realize that there was no way I would be able to go back to work. Erick and I needed to talk.  Erick had from the start of my pregnancy told me he would like for me to stay home.  He is more of the dreamer and I am more of the realistic one.  I told him we couldn't afford it and I loved my job so I would stay home for 3 months and then go back.  We originally said that between Erick and his mom they would watch Kate while I was at work. Well that plan was great in our heads but in reality it wouldn't quite work out.  Erick and I sat down and took a look at our finances and realized that it was possible for me to stay home.  It would take some budgeting and some small sacrifices but we could make it work! So I thought about it, we prayed about it, we talked to other parents about it and I finally came to realize that I was not going back to work in January.  All of the moms I talked to either 1 were so happy they stayed home with their babies when they were little or 2 wish they had been able to stay home with them.  I am blessed to be in a situation where I have the opportunity to stay home and I would be crazy not to take it.
This is something I thought I would never be. I only pictured stay at home moms to be those moms who drop their kids off in their luxury cars wearing either their gym clothes, with full make up and hair perfectly in place, or wearing only the cutest designer clothes and accessories. As much as sometimes I wish I was, I am not one of those ladies hence why I thought I wouldn't be able to stay home.  
So long story short I went into work yesterday to meet with my boss and tell her.  I was very nervous and anxious to tell her due to the fact that I only worked the first month of school.  If we would have decided I would stay home earlier then I wouldn't have come back to start this year.  I didn't want her to think that I had it already planned and was waiting till the last second to tell her.  Well turns out I was silly to be so nervous.  I walked into her office, sat down next to her, she held Kate and said "You don't even have to tell me, I know"  I started to tell her how I was sorry and felt bad and she said "I've been in your same exact position and I totally understand your decision.  I'm sad for us but I'm happy for you."  Holy awesome, supportive and understanding boss!
So there you have it!  I quit my job and now get to stay at home and take care of my precious peanut!  I told Erick that instead of saying "I quit" it's more like a career change :-)  My students don't know yet so if you are reading this and know my students please don't say anything.  I am going to come in after Christmas break and tell them once they have a replacement set. 
That's the big, wonderful and a little bit scary news :-)
P.S.- If you're a stay at home mom and have any tips on being a mom, saving money or anything else useful, I'd love to hear them! 

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

2 months!

2 Months!

Weight: 11 lbs 6.5 ozs (my chunky monkey!)

Height:  23in

Clothing size: Most of the clothes she's wearing are 0-3 months and 3 months.  She has a few newborn outfits that she's still wearing but for the most part she's grown out of them. 

Diaper size: 1

Feeding: Lately she has been eating every 3hrs or so.  I haven't been keeping great track of how often she eats and more just feeding her whenever she acts hungry.  She sure loves to eat! 

Sleep: We have recently started a bedtime routine that seems to be working pretty well so far (fingers crossed).  I've been giving her a bath around 8, then change her in her PJ's, read a story and feed her.  Lately she has been eating around 9:30 and falling asleep between 10 and 11am and sleeping until 4 or 5am!!! She will eat when she wakes up and then sleep again from 6ish- 9 or 10.  I'm nervous to even write this thinking I might jinx it!  But sleep is wonderful right now.

Milestones: According to this chart Kate is doing all the advanced skills.  

Loves: Still loves to eat, take baths and go for walks.  I've learned she really loves sleeping on her tummy.  I know, I know you're supposed to put them to sleep on their backs but I watch her and check on her while she's sleeping.  She loves her play mat and the mobile on her swing.  She will lay there smiling and giggling at her reflection, it's so cute! 

Dislikes: Hmmm, she doesn't like being hungry.  She didn't like her shots today, either did I :-(.  She doesn't really like to be held where she can't see what's going on. 

Adventures: We did the Turkey Trot this Thanksgiving, she slept through it all.  She had a family overload for Thanksgiving!  We had the whole family over and she was definitely a pass around baby. 

Mommy and Daddy could not get through the month without: This month is totally opposite from last month.  This month we can't live without the pack n play bassinet!  She has been sleeping so good in it lately.  Also I couldn't live without the swing!  I can put her in it during the day for a little while so I can get some stuff done around the house.
Holy moly! Look at the difference in one month!  I'm LOVING the leg rolls!!!  I can just eat her up!
Kate's first FSU vs UF game... Too bad it was an awful outcome :-(
Thanksgiving family picture.  We are so thankful for our peanut!

Thursday, November 15, 2012

1 Month

I can't believe she is one month old already! Time really does fly!
Weight: 8lbs 10 oz
Height: 21.5 in

                                          Clothing size: Newborn. 
Diaper size: Newborn

Feeding: She eats about every 2-3 hrs.  Sometimes in the evenings she will eat every 1-1.5 hrs. Not sure how much she is eating because I'm only breast feeding, but she's growing so I know she's getting enough.
Sleep: There were 3 nights in a row where she slept 5 hrs, 6hrs and then 6.5 hrs!  But that has passed and she's consistently sleeping 3-4 hrs at a time.  She usually goes to sleep around midnight and will sleep to 10 or 11, waking up twice to eat.

Milestones: She has hit all the normal milestones for her age according to the dr.  She is holding her head up (she was holding it up like 2 weeks after she was born), following objects, locking eyes and I can't remember what else but she's doing them all :-) She is smiling now when we talk to her! I can't get enough of her smiles! (see the pictures at the bottom)

Loves: Walks in the stroller, loves looking around and being outside, eating and baths.

Dislikes: She doesn't like her arms to be tucked in the blanket when swaddling and doesn't like to be changed when she's hungry.

Adventures: Oh boy she has been all over the place. My brothers came in town with their families and Kate, my sister in law, niece and I went to the mall for her first outing. Had her first road trip to Orlando to visit her great grandmother and see some of her cousins.

Mommy and Daddy could not get through the month without: The rock N play cradle.  She did not like sleeping in the pack N play bassinet but loves sleeping in the cradle.  

I wanted to get a picture of her sitting up as well as laying down and she wasn't too happy about it

Love, love, love her morning smiles!!!

Thursday, October 11, 2012

Welcome Kathryn Avery!

My birth story-
I'll save you all the gory details because I'm sure not everyone wants to hear them.  BUT if you do want to hear them and/or are interested in more details of un-medicated natural birth, please send me a message and I'll be happy to fill you in on all the details.  (I only say this because I know I wanted to know everything I could about natural birth from women who had done it before, before I went into labor)
Kate was due Thursday September 20th, my last day of work before maternity leave was Friday the 21st and I was convinced she would arrive the following Tuesday or Thursday.  Well she was considerate enough to wait until after my last day at work but didn't wait much longer than that.  I went to bed around 10:00 Friday night and woke up around 10:30 to go to the bathroom. Well, it wasn't so much that I needed to pee as much as it was that my water broke!  At first I didn't think that's what it was so I went to the bathroom and went back to bed.  About as soon as I laid down I got right back up and headed to the bathroom again.  This is when I was like hmmm OK I'm pretty sure my water broke and that means I'm going to have a baby (ahhhhhh!!!).  I told Erick and he said I should take the advice we'd been given before by the birthing class teacher and midwives and go back to sleep.  Well that my friend is much easier said than done.  So what do I do?  Well, I started a load of laundry, watched some TV (which in the middle of the night there is nothing good on), and took a shower.  I tried to sleep some but my mind was racing so it was hard to fall asleep.  My contractions started to pick up and get regular around 5 or 6am.  They weren't too bad to where I couldn't talk through them but were becoming more frequently.  I finally called the birthing center around 6 to let the midwife know that my water broke and I was having contractions.  She asked if I felt like I wanted to come to the center yet or wait it out at home.  I chose to wait at home for the contractions to become more frequent and more intense.  I called Everly, the midwife, back around 9:30 and she said to come on and head over to the birth center.  So, we grabbed our bag and Kate's bag and headed off to have a baby :-)
Everly and Erick's parents were there when we got there.  We settled into our room and just hung out.  It was really hard to wrap my head around the fact that I was going to have a baby.  We hooked up my phone to stereo and turned on Jack Johnson on Pandora.  This turned out to be an awesome awesome thing because we weren't listening to the same songs over and over again.  My contractions started to pick up around 2:30-3:00 and I decided to get in the tub.  Oh man it felt great.  The tub relieved a lot of pressure and made the contractions less intense.  My original plan was to deliver in the tub so I figured that since my contractions were very close and intense it wouldn't be long at all and I would deliver her in the tub and Erick would help to catch her.  Erick was amazing through the whole thing!  He was constantly by my side, rubbing my back and/or holding my hand, whatever I needed he was there to help.  He was encouraging, loving and everything I could have asked for him to be and the best part was that I didn't have to ask.  Well my plan was short lived and it turns out God had it planned a little differently. 
After being in the tub for about 3 hours and feeling like things weren't progressing I got out of the tub and moved to the bed.  I really wanted to deliver in the tub but I felt like I couldn't get comfortable and that I needed to stretch my legs.  So out of the tub I went.  I guess I was out of the tub for a few hours but honestly it only felt like a half an hour if that. I had begun pushing while still in the tub and was really disappointed to find out that I wasn't as close as I thought I was to having her.  Laying on the bed wasn't working and Kate's heart rate was dropping due to the position I was in so Erick suggested I get off the bed and squat.  That sounded great to me because at this point all I wanted to do was stand and push this baby out!  Everly got the birthing stool, which is just a semi circle stool to sit on.  Erick sat behind me and basically held me up.  At this point I was exhausted and felt like I had zero strength.  I was starving, weak and really wanted to give up.  I had been pushing for hours, hadn't really eaten all day and hadn't slept but maybe an hour in the last 24 hrs.  I remember thinking I just wanted this to be over, take me to a hospital, give me drugs and get this baby out!  I honestly didn't think I could keep going and had no clue where I would get the strength to push this baby out.  
Everly, Mary (the birth assistant) and Angela (birth photographer/now a part of our family) kept telling me "You're doing awesome, you're almost there, keep going" and all other sorts of encouragement.  Erick stood/squatted behind me, held me up, prayed for me and continued to support and encourage me.  Everly brought a mirror over so that I could see what was going on and as I was pushing I could see her head, finally!  (some of you might think that's super gross but it helped me so much to actually see that I was making progress)  It certainly felt like her head was much farther out than it really was but that's OK because at least now I knew that there was progress and she would soon be here!  Another part of my original birth plan was that Erick and I were going to "catch" her.  That means we were going to be the ones who helped her come out and pull her to my chest.  Well considering that Erick had to be behind me in order for me to be standing/squatting I didn't want him to move and I was so concentrated on pushing that that was all I could focus on.  When she came out Everly lifted her up into my arms and I can't even express the love I felt instantly.  I think I was in a state of shock.  Shock that I just went through labor and delivered a baby with out any form of pain medication, shock that the baby that had been moving inside me for the last 9 months was now in my arms, shock that it all was over- the pregnancy and the anticipation of labor and giving birth, all these things I had been thinking about for the last 9 months and looking forward to and worrying about was now in this moment over.  Right after she was born she looked right up at me bright eyed and so alert.  Erick cut the cord and while I got situated and back on the bed he was able to hold her skin to skin for a little while.  Once I was up on the bed, they gave her back to me and once again she looked up at me and then rested right on my chest just as alert and content as can be.  After a little while I tried to breast feed and she latched right on :-)
I will admit as I was pushing her out, the thoughts going through my mind were "now I know why people get an epidural" and "I'm never having another baby!".  But about 15 minutes later, as I lay there with my daughter in my arms looking up at me, I said to myself I would absolutely do this again! Seeing the alertness in Kate and feeling as great as I did right after giving birth made me realize why I chose to give birth the way that I did.  I'm not trying to say everyone should have an unmedicated birth, but I am saying it was the best way for me.  I believe that each woman can choose how they want to bring their own baby into the world (excluding emergency situations).  I would highly recommend going with a midwife solely based on their philosophy of care and the relationship you build through your pregnancy.  I am so over the moon happy with the care I received from the midwives and staff at the birthing center throughout my whole pregnancy.  I was able to stick to my original birthing plan (with some changes) and not have any medical interventions.  I feel like I was in charge of what was happening during labor and never felt like I had anyone telling me what I should do or how to do it.  I was told to listen to my body and trust that I could do it.  I think after all the initial shock wore off, and I was settled in back at home and had a moment to think about the birth, I realized how empowered I felt with how everything went. It was seriously the hardest thing I have ever done in my entire life but it was the most rewarding thing as well. 
Here are some pictures-
 Erick and I hanging out in between contractions
Erick helping me through a contraction by pushing on my back
The very fitting sign next to the bed.
Erick was my rock through labor, he kept me strong but calm.
Right after she was born. I kept looking at her and couldn't believe she was here in my arms! I was instantly and completely in love!

My precious little peanut
Here is one of the pictures Angela took and I absolutely love the emotion in it.  Like I said earlier she started as our birth photographer and has quickly become a very special person in our lives.  She has such a sweet and kind heart and it's hard for anyone not to love her.  Not only did she make me feel comfortable with her there during the birth but she also helped me to relax through contractions and encouraged me to keep going when I thought I couldn't.  Thank you Angela! We love you!!! Check out her awesome work-
A very happy and proud (and exhausted) daddy!  Getting a little sleep before we leave the birthing center.
It was about 3:30 am and we are ready to take our little peanut home :-)

Saturday, September 29, 2012

40 weeks

My original plan was to take a picture of myself in the same dress that I took my first belly blog picture in on Saturday.  Well my water broke on Friday night and I had Erick take this picture as we were on our way to the birthing center.  (this picture was taken after being up all night with contractions). I will post about the birth soon so stay tuned.
How far along? 40 weeks

Total weight gain: +27
Maternity clothes? A mix of maternity and non maternity

Stretch marks? I successfully made it through without any :-)
Sleep: Sleep was pretty good this last week.    
Best moment this week: The sweet cards from some of my students and all the well wishes from my coworkers.  I will be super happy to be home for the next 3 months but I will miss seeing my coworkers everyday.
Miss Anything? running

Movement: Oh yes.  

Food cravings: peaches
Anything making you queasy or sick: smelly stuff

Gender: BABY GIRL!!!!

Labor Signs: Braxton hicks contractions here and there and feeling naseous.

Symptoms: heartburn and being exhausted.

Belly Button in or out? starting to poke out... I'm not sure it will though

Wedding rings on or off? on but getting tight. I changed out my wedding band with a bigger band that I had because I was afraid it would get stuck.
Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy and excited!

Looking forward to: Meeting my sweet baby girl

Monday, September 17, 2012

39 weeks- few days late

It's really crazy to know that I am due in a week!  The last 39 weeks have flown by.  I am very excited to meet my baby girl but I also feel like I could stay pregnant for a few more months.  I mean there are times where I feel like I'm ready to pop but at other times I feel great. I am starting to miss my old not pregnant body and I do miss being able to stand up or get out of bed easily.  I never thought I would say this but I miss running.  This week is my last week at work before maternity leave.  It's so weird for me to think that I'm not going to be going to work everyday for 3 months.  I know I will have my own "work" at home with Kate but it's just crazy to know that I won't be going to work for that long.  I met the sub who will be taking my place while I am gone and am more at ease with work now.  She seems great and the kids are so good that I'm sure there won't be any issues.
How far along? 39 weeks

Total weight gain: +27
Maternity clothes? A mix of maternity and non maternity

Stretch marks? none yet and I hope to never get them! Fingers crossed not much longer to go.
Sleep: Sleep has actually been pretty good this last week, aside from a few sleepless night.   
Best moment this week: One of Erick's clients threw us a baby shower and it was great to see Erick be able to celebrate Kate's upcoming arrival with his employees and clients. 
Miss Anything? running

Movement: Oh yes.  Ouch. 

Food cravings: peaches
Anything making you queasy or sick: smelly stuff

Gender: BABY GIRL!!!!

Labor Signs: Braxton hicks contractions here and there.

Symptoms: heartburn and being exhausted.

Belly Button in or out? starting to poke out... I'm not sure it will though

Wedding rings on or off? on but getting tight. It seems like in the morning and at night are when they get swollen and my rings get tight.
Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy and excited!

Looking forward to: Meeting my sweet baby girl

Friday, September 7, 2012

38 weeks

2 weeks to go!  Well about 2 weeks give or take 2 weeks.  We had our ultrasound on Tuesday and she is measuring right where she should be :-)  Estimated about 7 pounds (the tech said that could be off by a pound, hopefully if it is off then she's 6 pounds and not 8 lol).  We got to see her moving all about.  We got to see her kidneys, bladder (which was full, so weird to think she's living in her pee) and her heart.  The heart is my favorite part! I love seeing it flicker and hearing it beat. 
How far along? 38 weeks

Total weight gain: +25
Maternity clothes? Lately I've gone back to the Bella band/ hair tie trick and have worn some non maternity jeans and pants. Wearing about 1/2 maternity 1/2 regular clothes.

Stretch marks? none yet and I hope to never get them!
Sleep: Sleep has actually been pretty great this last week.   
Best moment this week: Seeing our baby girl on the ultrasound!
Miss Anything? red wine

Movement: holy alien in my belly! She is pushing around in there like crazy!  It freaks Erick out sometimes by how hard she pushes.  She seems to be more active lately and I am not complaining, I love feeling it.  It does hurt though sometimes but I have to say it's the coolest feeling I've ever felt and I will for sure miss it once she's born.

Food cravings: Ice and popcorn with chocolate chips
Anything making you queasy or sick: smelly stuff

Gender: BABY GIRL!!!!

Labor Signs: No labor signs but braxton hicks contractions here and there.

Symptoms: crazy vivid dreams.

Belly Button in or out? starting to poke out... the midwife made a comment about the reason I'm still pregnant is because I don't have an outtie yet, so she's not done cooking lol

Wedding rings on or off? on but getting tight. It seems like in the morning and at night are when they get swollen and my rings get tight.
Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy and excited!

Looking forward to: Enjoying the next few weeks (4 maximum lol) with Erick before we become a family of 3 and of course meeting our sweet baby! 

Back to school fashion maternity style

What to wear during the last weeks of pregnancy-
I have been very very blessed throughout my pregnancy.  Yes there was a few months of 24/7 nausea and exhaustion, but other than that I've been healthy and happy. I have loved "dressing up my bump".  Here are some examples of what I'm wearing for work in the final weeks of my pregnancy (weeks 35-38).  It's a mix of new maternity and my regualr old clothes. I'll add more in the next few weeks.   
For the most part I wear dressed and flats to work.  Dresses are the easiest thing to wear and I have found some really cute maternity ones that I love.  I also love a comfy maxi skirt.  I have a picture here of one of the ones I wear but I also recently bought a white flowy one from Motherhood Maternity and have fallen in love with it!  It's super cute and oh so confortable.  I labled the outfits with where I got them in case anyone is interested. 
Dress- Old Navy Maternity, Necklace- Target
Tank top- Old Navy, Sweater- Marshalls, Skirt- Target Maternity
Dress- Marshalls, Necklace- Old Navy, Shoes- Target
Dress- Old Navy Maternity, Shoes- Target
Top and Capri's- Motherhood Maternity
A non maternity, maternity outfit
Shirt- Banana Republic, Pants- Old Navy (with Bella Band), Necklace- Old Navy
Casual Friday/ Sports day at work
Shirt- Old Navy, Jeans- Old Navy (with Bella Band)

Friday, August 31, 2012

37 weeks!

 (I changed out of my work clothes about .2 seconds after I got home and didn't feel like changing again for the picture.)
37 Weeks! Whoa! That means I am full term :-) Which also means she could technically come any day now, yikes.  Not that I wouldn't be over the moon if she did come soon, but things are definitely not ready for her arrival at work.  I still have lessons to plan and there needs to be a sub for me found before she makes her appearance (this is my hope at least).  I'm convinced, for some reason, that she won't come before her due date.  I'm thinking sometime between the 25th and the 29th.  I guess we will see soon enough.
So you know how last week I was grumpy and upset about my appointment and kind of freaking out about the whole low iron thing?  Yeah, well I got a call from the midwife on Wednesday and turns out when the did a blood draw (instead of the finger prick) that my iron is high enough for me to birth at the birthing center will no problem!  There was a .6 difference in the blood draw and finger prick!  I'm not sure how much of a jump .6 is but I know it's enough to put me just over the minimum of what the birthing center requires :-)  I was sooooooooo relieved to hear that news! 
The appointment this week went much better as well.  I saw the regular midwife that I have been seeing and everything was pretty good.  It's so nice to have someone who really seems to understand you and your crazy husband and genuinely care about you both and the baby.  I love Erick to death but sometimes he comes off like a little too much of a goof and I worry that people don't see how great he is under the goofiness.  Well she made my night when she said to him "You know even though you are a total goofball and make your wife blush, you are one awesome guy and it's great to see how involved you are".  It's not that I needed her to know how awesome he is but it was nice to hear her say that.  I am still measuring small (measured this week and last week at 33cm and she said I should be 38-40cm) so she ordered an ultrasound for me just to check and make sure everything is good.  Baby girl's heart rate was perfect and she's a-movin' and a-shakin' so I'm not too worried.  The midwife said she isn't worried either but it's better to check and make sure.  I am excited to see her on the ultrasound on Tuesday now :-)
Another exciting thing that happened is we found our pediatrician!  We interviewed him and he was awesome!  Loved the office, the office staff and him.  I'm really happy we picked him.  It really started to freak me out though realizing that we have a pediatrician, because that means we have a baby that needs a pediatrician lol.  Duh, I know I'm having a baby and I know I've basically had the last almost 9 months to think about it but when you are actually doing stuff to prepare it makes it so much more real!
How far along? 37 weeks

Total weight gain: +24 (same as last week)
Maternity clothes? Lately I've gone back to the Bella band/ hair tie trick and have worn some non maternity jeans and pants. Wearing about 1/2 maternity 1/2 regular clothes.

Stretch marks? none yet and I hope to never get them!
Sleep: Sleep stinks... waking up way more times now to pee than before!  Then when I'm awake all I can think about are baby things that aren't ready yet and can't fall back asleep.   
Best moment this week: Probably Thursday, our baby appointment day.  We both left work at noon for the interview with the pediatrician, then had a little day date consisting of Tampa Cuban for lunch (best cubans and black beans and rice!), mani (me)/ pedi (Erick), then appointment with the midwife followed by our last birthing class.
Miss Anything? Just the whole sleeping thing.

Movement: oh man oh man, lately she has been pushing on my sciatic nerve and sending shock waves down my right leg! Her movements are getting so much stronger it's crazy to watch my stomach when she's moving all around.  She sticks her foot out right under my ribs and it's so crazy to see my skin just poking out. 

Food cravings: Ice and tomato and mozzarella with balsamic! I seriously can't get enough of it!
Anything making you queasy or sick: smelly stuff

Gender: BABY GIRL!!!!

Labor Signs: No labor signs but braxton hicks contractions for sure.

Symptoms: back pain and tired. I'm pretty sure the heartburn and acid reflux were from taking the extra iron before bed, thankfully I don't have to take it 4 times a day anymore so I'm not taking it right before bed.

Belly Button in or out? starting to poke out

Wedding rings on or off? on but getting tight.  I got really concerned while we were at the birthing center.  My hands and feet were a little swollen and I couldn't move my wedding rings at first.  I eventually got them off and then forgot to put them on before work and felt naked the whole day without them. I still have yet to put them back on.
Happy or Moody most of the time: Anxious. Like heart starts racing out of nowhere, stomach hurts and it's a little hard to breathe anxious. Not all the time though, it comes in spurts.

Looking forward to: The ultrasound and for them to say that she is healthy and all is good :-)